The city as a state of mind

19 år siden 0 kommentarer Kortprosa

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0The city as a state of mind
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Stina Svendsen (f. 1987)
The city is dead. All grey. No more people live here. I'm the ghost of the city. I'm the only one left to tell the story. The story about Sunshine city. The city that used to be, the happiest place on earth. But now the only things left are empty buildings and dust. It's kind of scary. But I guess the reason you are here is because you want to know. Know true story of Sunshine city.
   Know why it isn't here anymore, why I'm the ghost and not like I use to be, the soul of the city...
   For many years ago you would see happy faces all over Sunshine city.
   Everybody was friendly. And the neighborhood was amazing. Everyone could talk together. Everyone knew each other. I can't mention a bad day in Sunshine city.
   But then one day the hopes and dreams of the city were killed. Here is what I said to the murderer:

How could you do it?
   How could you kill me?
   When you killed me you destroyed millions of peoples lives
   Did you know that?
   Some actions have consequences!

Maybe you are blind
   But I was the hopes and dreams of the city
   Of hopes and dreams! Do you hear me?
   Do you understand that?
   You can't not mess around whit people's hopes and dreams
   That's the main reason they can survive

Why did you do it?
   Do you really think it's fun? - I hope not, then you're crazy

But now I'm dead
   All happiness is gone
   You will never laugh again!
   Hopes and dreams are gone
   - Yours too

Hopes and dreams what's that?
   I, the hopes and dreams, am forgotten

...The people of Sunshine city could not be happy anymore because the hopes and dreams were killed. And now Sunshine city is dead and gray. People just disappeared from the city. No one is left. And now I'm a ghost, because a dead city doesn't have a soul. And every dead city has a lost ghost to look after it. I wish I could be the soul of the happy city again. Nobody remembers the ghost.

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Teksten er publiceret 23/08-2004 09:52 af Stina Svendsen og er kategoriseret under Kortprosa.
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