The Land of Shadows

16 år siden 1 kommentar Digte

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Leif Westh (f. 1983)

Lonesome I am in the Depths of Sorrows.
Lonesome I wander in the Land of Shadows!
Emptiness fills my every mussel and vein,
creeps all over me with invisible Pain.

Nobody sees me and helps me get free!
Nobody realizes! Why can't anyone see?!
Give me a light and chase the Shadows away,
help me to fight and keep the Evil at bay!

Forever are the Screams in the darkness of the night.
Always will the Shadows fill me with fright
Never have I sensed time in this ancient world,
no one cares for you when the Shadows unfold.

Lonely and scared I walk the Doomed Hallways,
this will be my Tomb; Sadness and Always.
Nobody feels the Darkness, Pain and Sorrows!
Lonesome I scream in the Realms of Shadows!!

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Teksten er publiceret 04/11-2007 17:30 af Leif Westh (cyrez) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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