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David Rex (f. 1972)

Tell me there's a smile
behind your sad face
tell me there's a hope
beneath all your fear
and tell me that when you dream
you see a ray of light -
in that darkening riverstream
that seems to possess your sight

Tell me, that in your words
so full of hopelessness
there is prayer that's strong enough
to make the darkness brake

and tell me - who did ever convince you
it had to be this way
who made you accept - that this was you
and who has ever filled you
with this kind of pain
so that no joy and happyness can be your gain

there's a hand
that wipes away
every tear you cry
and a song
that you can sing
with every sigh

so walk away
leave that place that your sitting in
and withdraw to a place outside your door
find a peace
a silent place beneath the moon up there
and let your eyes dwell in the sky
in the eternity above your head

feel the hand
that wipes away
every tear you cry
and hear the song
that you could sing
with every sigh

and maybe as your standing in your solitude
I would come up from behind you
and to comfort you
to put my hand inside your hand
and to cry with you

there'll be a hand
that wipes away
every tear you cry
and a song
that you can sing
with every sigh

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Teksten er publiceret 26/12-2003 20:40 af David Rex (KANKER) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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