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Jamila Benarab (f. 1989)

You are sitting there in the corner
You are screaming and crying
I've finally taken the last step and now it's over
I've told you I wont keep trying

I gave you so many chances, what a pretty mess
Chances you didn't deserve at all
But you just waisted them, cause couldn't care less
And then you begged for a new, the last one of all

I was unconscious, I was dumb, I was blind
I lyed to myself and said it's gonna be all right
The day will come, the day when you'll make up your mind
But that day never came, even if I cried every night

So now I'm letting go, letting go on you
I've finally made my decision that you deserve most, my dear
Here it finally ends, the pain, the blood, the fears, the tears I've been through
I walk away from you, away from the past, away from here

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Teksten er publiceret 30/08-2004 21:46 af Jamila Benarab (HoldOnToMeLove) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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