If only you were still alive

19 år siden 0 kommentarer Digte

0If only you were still alive
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Jamila Benarab (f. 1989)

I wonder how life would be
If you were still alive here with me

Would you be there in my darkest nights?
Would you end all my endless fights?

Would you help me if I do something wrong?
Would you be the person I've been longing to for so long?

Would you cry with me when I cry?
Would you make me forget my past or at least try?

Would you take me away from danger no matter what it costs?
Would you give me power and strenght when I feel lost?

Would you protect me and make me feel safe?
Would you be lost in sorrow when I finally rest in my grave?

Would you be as beatiful as they say you were?
Would you be the one who is always there?

Would you mend my broken inside?
Would you never forget me and leave me outside?

Would you catch me when I fall?
Would you even if I whisper hear me call?

Would you be the answer for all my questions?
Would you always be fond of me with no exceptions?

Would you always save a place for me wherever you go?
Would you know that I'll die for you because I love you so?

Would you make this life worth to live for me?
Would you make me feel happy and free?

Would you share all your secrets with me and I with you?
Would you know that I'll always love you no matter what you do?

Because you're the one I've got dearest in my heart
And my dreams of you will never depart

If only you were still alive
Then we could help each other survive

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Teksten er publiceret 04/05-2005 19:26 af Jamila Benarab (HoldOnToMeLove) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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