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Jamila Benarab (f. 1989)

When darkness falls
And I can hear the shadows call
I only have to think of you
With you I can always make it through

When everyone else is gone
And I am left alone
I know you'll always stay
You will never go away

When all I feel is grief and pain
While I'm standing alone in the rain
I only have to whisper your name
Then my feelings are no longer the same

When I'm freezing and cold
And there's no one I can hold
I only have to dream of you
No one can love me like you do

When I'm filled with sadness
And my tears run so endless
I only have to close my eyes
I see you, my angel, high upon the skies

When the silent is noising in my ears
And I feel haunted by all these fears
I just have to listen deep within
Your tender voice drowns out everything

When my world is ruining and forsaken
And all my biggest appericiations have been taken
I only have to spread my wings and fly
In your world there is no blood, no cry

When they all trample on me
And careless faces are all I see
I only have to reach my hand
You will always come and pick me up

When I'm falling in deepen darkness
And never reaching the bottom, so deep so endless
I only have to imagine you are there
You are always with me everywhere

When I'm lying in my bed at wakeful nights
While I'm struggling with unending fights
I can always feel you've got my back
You give me power everytime I crack

When I'm looking at the dark night
And I'm desperately searching for a light
I only have to look up at the stars
I see your face, the brightest light I can ever find

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Teksten er publiceret 04/05-2005 19:25 af Jamila Benarab (HoldOnToMeLove) og er kategoriseret under Digte.

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