Elegy for a lost planet

19 år siden 3 kommentarer Digte

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Puls: 3,4

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Jane Røken (f. 1948)

'We'll take care of everything while you are away', they said, 'we'll keep the planet for you and protect your cathedral against the weather'. And we were long accustomed to them, and knew no danger, so we said, that's all right. And presently we saw that our lawlessness would yet have to be paid for.

(Space traveller's journal)


It is cold on Karnak, it is ice;
it is still on Karnak, and wind-swept
are the hills, and far-winding paths
that no feet will follow, are waste.
It is cold on Karnak, and high the sky.

The sky is high above Karnak, and solitary stars
continue their passage, and mark the time
and kindle the crystals of ice below
on glazen plains, without pity or sound.
The sky is high above Karnak, and the winds are dry.

The winds on Karnak are dry, and arid the very core
of the lone and silent planet that strays
erratic, forgotten, and numb; and yet
we once knew love there, and light, and play -
The winds now are dry on Karnak, and it's dark.

It is dark on Karnak, the night goes on.
And bleak and twilit the thought that rolls
pictures of past, the eve of doom
when the darkness began to grow.
It is dark on Karnak, and strange.

It is strange now on Karnak; the scenes that we knew
are ours no more, they are lost
forever, and lonely the hills where we flew.
The Zyresian Cathedral encased by the frost,
it is locked from our touch, it is screened from our view,
estranged from our worship, and shot through and through
with megafold icicles tiny and true -
To preserve it, when all else is darkness and dust;
preserve it! What cruellest mockery must
they have traded us then, for our pride and our trust.
It is strange on Karnak, and no ransom is due.

No ransom is due for Karnak; we have left
and forgotten, and turned away
our ways to other plays. No hostage
was ever so silent, uncomplaining and serene.
No ransom ever for Karnak, it's the end.

It was always the end for Karnak. Its life,
its hills and Cathedral we made
in our transit; all right, the planet is lost
but was owned for a brief moment only;
before and after that,
it was always the end for Karnak.


Report 49.67.018

Termination of illegal settlement on planet 4 to Heron KA-VII/Sector 47.

The said planet, named "Karnak" by occupants, several of whom were previously convicted for unlawful colonization, has been seized and terminally liberated.
Method employed was standard one-step deflation of atmosphere.
One building (alleged religious purpose) of possible scientific value has been preserved with sub-freeze pressure dome.
Auxiliary android agents planted on location have been eliminated as ordered.
Surviving occupants, one hundred and thirty-eight beings, are presently under transport to Plot A404 for therapy and re-orientation or immobilization, as required.

Wm. 58 Landa, Commander

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Teksten er publiceret 27/02-2005 19:13 af Jane Røken (Maui) og er kategoriseret under Digte.
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