The girl I knew

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0The girl I knew
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Leif Westh (f. 1983)
Seeing you here again makes everything else seem fuzzy and pointless. All your predecessors are but ever fading memories.
Eternities has passed since I last saw you -though no time has passed at all.
You are diffuse and yet we are more together than ever before.
Longingly I remember your body as a whole; surprised I still have to focus to do that.

Suddenly I remember things we use to do, memories so distant, things long gone... Or never really done or felt at all? This is the only everlasting truth: I will love you forever!

We touch and everything around us is gone, there is only us.
I look into your blue eyes and I am suddenly filled with horror: Your eyes are crying though your body is determined not to show it.

You try to say something but not a sound comes over your lips, as if you are not allowed to speak. But although the silence is killing I hear every word you want to say.
And somehow I have always known it although I never told myself about it.
Maybe I wanted to believe? Maybe I wanted to forget the world and feel you intensively with all my being without any concerns what so ever!

You are but in my mind and will be erased from existence the moment I am forced to forget you, just like a power cut in a computer.
And later on just like that you will be overwritten with a new and different, yet again already intimately known, version of you.
But it will never be you again, I know that, although I will never realise it after this moment. It cannot possibly ever be as real and sweet as you are now lying here with me.
Maybe then I will still be longing for you as an empty desire for something greater.

But if you really are just a reflection of my deepest desire, then what happens to the memories we have, the beauty you represents and the person who now lies beside me? And what will become of the feelings we have for each other in this very moment?
And if this glimpse of existence is your whole lifetime, then you deserve all you can get! Let us therefore cherish this moment so that your existence at least in some way can be justified.

But it is already too late: My whole body screams as you are beginning to fade away into the darkness, and I have never in my entire lifetime felt more helpless.
I know that seeing you slowly fade away with your tear-filled eyes is going to hunt me forever, although I will most likely have forgotten you in moments.
Desperately hanging on to your fading memory I feel my reason for existence fade away as well.

I suddenly find myself on the flip side swimming in my own sweat.
Longing back to the forgotten memory I can think of nothing but the already hollow shell of my minds latest creation.

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Teksten er publiceret 05/02-2006 21:20 af Leif Westh (cyrez) og er kategoriseret under Essays.
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